That's the date, people. D-day... or should I say, C-day?
That is the date Phineas Morgan Hertz will enter the world, according to my doctors. I went in today just to find out the date and talk to the peri and ended up in the hospital for a few hours on a rehydrating IV drip... it's like they've got it out for me. They constantly want to put an IV on me. I guess this wonderful "First Day of Summer" got the better of me and I was severely dehydrated. Josh says I sorely lack in survival skillz. (It was 103 degrees in San Jose today!)
Okay, so back to C-Day... we are so not prepared...
we need to get a double stroller, stat. And not just any old double stroller, I want one I love, dammit. We got some cool preemie clothes from my kick ass friend Nicole and one of my new scrapping friends, Brynn, so we're good... we need diapers, as per usual, but other than that... I think we're golden. Oh! We do want a snuggle nest for co-sleeping with the teeny guy pretty bad... anyways, for those interested, we're registered at Target and Babies R Us, under both our names.
And YES freaked out as all get out about the C-Section!!! Holy shit, so freaked out.
This is normally Sci-fi Friday around here at the Maternerdy blog, but feeling sorry for me-self over the heinous vein invasion has left me a little... meh.
Last weeks big BSG mid-season finale... WTF. How could they leave it like that? And EJO!!! Holy COW... if he doesn't get an Emmy nod for that performance, there's something seriously wrong with everything.
I'm caught up to Doctor Who and reluctantly decided to catch Season 2 of Torchwood... there seems to be something missing on Torchwood and I can't quite put my finger on it. It's really like John Barrowman has no idea how to hold down a series... he's the exact same character on Doctor Who... but vastly different. He's wonderful when he gets to play against the Doctor and shit when he's on his own.
Serious business on Doctor Who... we all know Billie is busy with that stupid Callgirl series that is calling her "naked, but dull"... so why even tease us with a "Maybe Rose will come back"? I don't understand it. I'm personally a Martha/Doctor 'shipper myself. Yeah yeah, suck it, people, seriously suck it.
I got picked for a kick ass creative team from one of the designers at Sweet Shoppe!!! I'm pretty stoked about it!! And my nerdy girl Erin Keith, who's art adorns this blog, has me on her creative team as well... which... frankly, kicks more ass!! Woo hoo!! This is all pretty much silly scrapping news for my real life friends. And... still.. people, seriously, donate to my sick habit by clicking the Buy me a $5 gift certificate to help with my bedrest link to the right. I love new scrappin' stuff... it's kind of an illness.
Off-topic of c-sections, sci-fi, and scrapbooking... anybody know what it means when you dream about your ex? I love my boyfriend so much it grosses people out, so it's annoying when you dream about an ex. And it's more annoying when the dream doesn't just GO AWAY. (And it wasn't sexy, pervs) Anyways, why if I'm so so so so happy with my dream man would I dream about an ex? I hate it, it makes me feel guilty and annoyed.
Lastly... I need to post this cute little quiz for some challenge points over at Sweet Shoppe...
What Your Fridge Says About You |
![]() You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times. You are not careful with your money. In fact, you rarely think about how much you are spending. You don't tend to be a very adventurous person, but you do surprise everyone now and then. You have a bit of a wild side. You try to be responsible, but you don't always succeed. Your heart is in the right place though. You are likely single - and spending many nights alone at home. |
Hey girl we're looking forward to seeing you guys next week...we have a snuggle's not "supreme" but it's new from has the positioning wedgies, no incline thou....they just slide down it anyway...:-) It's green, we'll bring it you can decide...wish we could be there for C-day. Hugs!