Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Phin's 3 month Pics

One Week
1 Month
2 months
3 Months!

Awwww!!! How cute is my little tubber? (He refused to smile)
On the funny side, Josh took Yorick to Gymboree today, thinking it was Wednesday. He went through the whole class and when he came home, he told me today was much louder and more rowdy than usual.
He took Yorick to an older class! LOL
It was Level 5 class and Yorick is with littler kids in a Level 4 class!!
I thought it was adorable, he said Yorick ran amuck with the rest of them.

I don't think he realized it was Tues until he got to work.

Monday, September 29, 2008

My Pic Tales Resizing Action

Okay, after having to resize 89 layouts last night, I decided to share my action with all of you. This will resize your background paper to 12.25", keeping your layout nice and centered and protected from being cut off.

You need to have your layout in .psd form and select your background paper before you run the action.

I made this in CS3, but it should work in earlier Photoshop versions as well!!

Please leave me a comment if you download!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Twilight Zone

So, I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night, and neither did Josh. Some server broke on him around 3:30am, so he was up until like 5 fixing it and then Yorick got up at 6 something. I don't know, some devil's hour...

It was a pretty crabby house all day around here. So we were watching Sahara, and Yorick turned it off, because that's what he does when we're watching movies, and I kind of fell asleep on the couch...maybe 5:30-ish. Phin started fussing so we went and laid down on the bed and Josh took Yorick out for a walk. I swear, it was only for a minute.

When I woke up... it was all weird, everyone was in bed, it was dark, and it was 8:30.

Uggh, I hate that... now my internal clock is all cracked out.

Some pics from yesterday:

Peace out, boobs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Our Halloween Party

I can't wait for our Halloween Party... seriously. It's gonna be so fun.
Please email me if you want to show up early for set up... we'll put you to work babysitting my two rugrats.

Here's some inspiration for costumes:
bearded lady
Jojo the dog faced boy
the tattooed wo/man
fortune teller
snake charmer
lizard boy
sword swallower
strong man
fire eater
lion tamer
trapeze artist
hootch dancer

I know a lot of you want to help, and Shoshana and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the help!!! We have several projects that if you want to help with... please email me for!! (Jen, Jess, Dayna, I'm looking at you!!) (I need someone for fortune telling, I have a really cute idea, so whoever wants to do it, I'll take the first email -it's funny, not skilled)

I'm going down a whole day early just for set up!!

And I'm SO happy my girlie Lyndsey will be going!!! **bounce bounce bounce** I've missed my crazy kawaii girl so much.

Please keep checking back on my blog for more info!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Heroes Tonight!!!

**bounce bounce bounce**
We will be missing the hour long recap, however, as we have Sarah Conner Chronicles to watch. SCC is a decent show, it shouldn't get bumped for stuff we already know. ;)

We didn't do too much this weekend, we went to Ikea for desk legs, that was pretty exciting.

Why did we need desk legs, you ask?? I'm so happy to tell you that it looks like Josh will start working from home soon!! We needed to set up a desk in the boys' room for him to work at. Yay!!

Some pics:

Yorick vs Phin

Friday, September 19, 2008

I Could Definitely Be A Vampire

I really didn't need a quiz to tell me I'd be fine as a vampire, but I took it for my Sweet Rewards Points, anyway. <3

I have probably thought more on this than the average joe, anyway, and I think an eternity of blood-guzzling murderous sin is more than a fair price for immortality, and being pretty while you're there.

Sign me up, I'm no vegetarian Cullen, either.

You Could Definitely Be a Vampire

Immortality, staying pretty forever, not having to get a job... you could definitely eat some flesh for these things.

It's not that you're a murderer by nature. In fact, you're probably the furthest thing from it.

However, if you woke up a vampire, you'd certainly be able to adapt and enjoy your new lifestyle.

There might not be much better than living forever, even if it means giving up your soul.

What you would like best about being a vampire: Being a total outsider

What you would like least about being a vampire: Other vampires

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Zoh Mah Gawd

So my internet concubine, La, turned me onto this site:

and if any of you were thinking, "damn. I haven't gotten anything for Bryn this week..." 


They have cupcakes and skulls... TOGETHER. That's right, I said it, "TOGETHER!!!"
It's like I woke up on the Puppies & Kitties Who Don't Poop or Get Older Planet.

omg, guys, srsly.

If it has the word "Happy" in front of it... I love it... I'm totally sick. I particularly am fond of cupcakes...

and I have boys.


Anyways... that's my new love site. Love love love.
Make Josh buy me something cute. That is all.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Feeling Caffeinated

That's right, bitches, I still drink caffeine and nurse... sometimes at the same frickin' time. 

So what is it that Yorick sees something, he must topple it over, doesn't matter what it is. We hear resounding crashes all day long coming from whatever room he happens to be occupying at the time. My mother's precognition (you have instinct, I have precognition, I'm so much better), my mother's precognition tells me he's going to topple the swing with Phin in it one day when I leave for, like, a second to grab a paper towel or something.

Random thoughts about things I love right now...
I love
Burn Notice
Life on Mars - the BBC version (Josh thought I should specify)
Pumpkin Cheesecake ice cream from Ben and Jerry's
my sons' doctor
the fact that my boyfriend dreamt about World of Warcraft last night
Bessie Higgenbottom
my toddler's babbles
Lightroom 2

Here's what we're doing right now:

Just chillin' like villains, foo'.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Truthful Tuesday Post

I hate housework. 
I hate housework more than the average Joe.
My parents used to use it for punishment. So... I equate doing the dishes and vacuuming with "I've done something wrong."
Anybody know how to unwire this?

It's almost a whole haiku of truth, but... Yorick keeps effing with the baby swing while Phin is trying to sleep, this makes momma crabby.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Muir Woods

Yesterday we went just north of SF and visited Muir Woods. I don't think I've ever seen so many redwoods before, so it was really neat. As most of you know, I loathe being outdoors, so this was the perfect forest for me to visit... it had paved paths.  hahhahaha

There wasn't any pooping incidents (thankfully), but Phin did have a complete meltdown. It's so nerve rattling when your child won't stop crying his head off. I ended up putting him in my moby wrap for awhile, then he slept in the stroller, and then he woke up too fussy again and Daddy ended up bjorning him for the walk back. We pretty much walked 3 or 4 miles... so I'm pretty sore today (I'm absolutely not used to any kind of physical activity, so it was good for me, but, ughhh)

Here are some pics of our trip:

Random cute chick I tried to catch
My first trip on the Golden Gate Bridge
and showin' off my photog skillz on this pic
Yorick being cute in the backseat

Fallen tree

I couldn't believe how dark it was under the canopy

Yorick loved this branch so much

silly daddy
Yorick kept trying to tickle people's butts with the branch
As usual, thanks for lookin', boobs.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Book

So I posted the last completely edited version of my book online. It's not the finished product. I have added a minor character and tweaked it a tad, but it's prettty close to the same.

I'm considering taking out some of the mature elements, dropping the ages of my characters quite a bit and turning it into a Young Adult book...

read it and let me know if you think it would sell better as YA.

Peace out, boobs.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Book And Tummy Time

I'm trying to get the last finished version of my book up online for those of you who expressed an interest in reading it. I'll let you know when it's done.

If anyone out there wants to watch 6 whole minutes of tummy time... knock yourselves out.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back on the Air

Sorry! We didn't do anything last weekend except the EXTREMELY tedious task of deflea-ing our home. One more reason for me to hate that cat. I don't even know how we got fleas, he's an indoor cat. Anybody want a very needy, stupid cat who still thinks he's a ferret? I'm not kidding. I'll ship him anywhere in the country. Just let me know.

Anyways. Josh found the charger for the video camera... so I have a couple of clips of the boys here for you.