Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back on the Air

Sorry! We didn't do anything last weekend except the EXTREMELY tedious task of deflea-ing our home. One more reason for me to hate that cat. I don't even know how we got fleas, he's an indoor cat. Anybody want a very needy, stupid cat who still thinks he's a ferret? I'm not kidding. I'll ship him anywhere in the country. Just let me know.

Anyways. Josh found the charger for the video camera... so I have a couple of clips of the boys here for you.


  1. I don't want the cat, but the boys are sooo cute! I love all those baby sounds. They're just adorable!

  2. they are way too cute!! :)

    ps cats are evil... LOL. I have one, that is apparently ce's beeeeeeest friend AND brother-- and ugh. cat fur. I swear he should be bald. So no, LOL I do not want yours hahaa.


  3. I've got cats. I just accept a summer defleaing is part of life. Though the cats stay out for a few days after because I am pissed. :)

    Very cute video
