Please email me if you want to show up early for set up... we'll put you to work babysitting my two rugrats.
Here's some inspiration for costumes:
bearded lady
Jojo the dog faced boy
the tattooed wo/man
fortune teller
snake charmer
lizard boy
sword swallower
strong man
fire eater
lion tamer
trapeze artist
hootch dancer
I know a lot of you want to help, and Shoshana and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE the help!!! We have several projects that if you want to help with... please email me for!! (Jen, Jess, Dayna, I'm looking at you!!) (I need someone for fortune telling, I have a really cute idea, so whoever wants to do it, I'll take the first email -it's funny, not skilled)
I'm going down a whole day early just for set up!!
And I'm SO happy my girlie Lyndsey will be going!!! **bounce bounce bounce** I've missed my crazy kawaii girl so much.
Please keep checking back on my blog for more info!
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