Monday, September 22, 2008

Heroes Tonight!!!

**bounce bounce bounce**
We will be missing the hour long recap, however, as we have Sarah Conner Chronicles to watch. SCC is a decent show, it shouldn't get bumped for stuff we already know. ;)

We didn't do too much this weekend, we went to Ikea for desk legs, that was pretty exciting.

Why did we need desk legs, you ask?? I'm so happy to tell you that it looks like Josh will start working from home soon!! We needed to set up a desk in the boys' room for him to work at. Yay!!

Some pics:

Yorick vs Phin


  1. I love the second one in the series where he is looking at the camera and it looks like hes giving it the "evil eye" LOL ADORABLE!! Both of them are just to cute though:-)

  2. psst!! OMG we LOOOOOVE battlestar!!! and dr. who too! WOOOO sci-fi girls are HOT!

    (heroe's was a bit jolty for me... akkk lots to keep up with!)

  3. Adorable pics!

    I like fringe much better than heroes now hehe

  4. We like the SCC...just cause whatsername from Firefly is in it...have to watch it with the lights on tho...I freak out easily :-) I refuse to get nightmares from a tv show.

  5. haha those are awesome pics LOL

