Saturday, September 27, 2008

Twilight Zone

So, I didn't get nearly enough sleep last night, and neither did Josh. Some server broke on him around 3:30am, so he was up until like 5 fixing it and then Yorick got up at 6 something. I don't know, some devil's hour...

It was a pretty crabby house all day around here. So we were watching Sahara, and Yorick turned it off, because that's what he does when we're watching movies, and I kind of fell asleep on the couch...maybe 5:30-ish. Phin started fussing so we went and laid down on the bed and Josh took Yorick out for a walk. I swear, it was only for a minute.

When I woke up... it was all weird, everyone was in bed, it was dark, and it was 8:30.

Uggh, I hate that... now my internal clock is all cracked out.

Some pics from yesterday:

Peace out, boobs.

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