Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Dude. My boobs RAWK.

Okay, so I don't know if I mentioned it, but I was a little apprehensive about Phin's weight check today...
I took him off formula and ebm last week and let him go exclusively on the boob, so I didn't know if he was getting enough.

7/2 7 days old 5lb 9.75oz 3.43%
7/10 15 days old 6lb 8oz 4.92%

7/23 28 days old 8lb 9.5oz 27.91% !!!!!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!

He is getting some nystatin cream for a yeast infection he got because he sat in a wet diaper when he had a good 6 hour sleep stint a couple of nights ago.
But other than that, he's awesome!!
His length went from 17inches at birth to 19.75inches at 2 weeks to 21.25inches today... he's in the 45th percentile on height!!

My little preemie!!

Now for Yorick...
Yorick's height SERIOUSLY jumped!!
at 14months he was 30.5inches in the 43rd percentile and today he was 33inches in the 76th percentile!! =) I knew he was finally getting really tall, he's been reaching EVERYTHING.
and his weight did really good, too, at 14 months he was 20lbs 5oz in the 6th percentile and today he was 23lbs 14oz in the 25th percentile.

She did want to address his speech delay, we're going to talk about it in a month, she's a little concerned that he's not really talking yet. She's happy that he's blathering and chit chatting in his own language, but she wants to catch up with us in a month and see how he's doing.
He has words for mama, dada, bottle, balloon, car noises (which she said counts), and ball. He's also imitating the cat by following him around on all fours and he pretends to vacuum and he can fetch me things if I ask for them, so his comprehension is good, she'd just like to see him talking more.

All in all, even though I was disappointed that he does have a slight speech delay, I think it went well. He got a hib shot today and we gave him a bottle while he was getting it and he only peeped once, so that was really good.

I'll go and take some pics of them now... if I don't go FRACKING INSANE first!! Yorick did something to the carbon monoxide detector and now it's beeping every 60 seconds and I can't figure out how to make it stop.


Oh. And I scrapped a page today:


  1. OMGosh! That layout rocks girl! Awesome!!!!

  2. Yay boobies! ;-D

    and the scrap page is awesome too
