Monday, October 20, 2008


I'll be adding photos here throughout the day... <3>

Josh, the Barker and Adam, the Jester

Adam as Our Scary Jester
Dayna, our Gypsy/Hootch Fill-In

Dayna and Jess, Our Gypsies
Gina and Troy, Our Popcorn Carnies

Jason as our Birthing Man Sideshow Freak

My Slightly Unbalanced Twin with the Bearded Lady

Our Favorite Emo Rap Group, Closed Heart Surgery (Suman and Sanjay), as our very Emo Circus Monkeys

It's The Lynds and Kristen! Our Magician and Snake Charmer...

Meesh the Magnificent, one of our Magicians

Captain Spaulding always good for beer and chicken

The Barker and his Doll

Team DizDine, please don't ever ask us about Character Dining.

Miss Lynds and Me


  1. YAY! Great pics! :)

  2. The pics are amazing! We are going to have to do a theme every year. =)
