Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I feel like someone without a past.
Like I was meaningless at most points in my life.
I remember so much about so many people, and somehow, I meant so little to the people I remember, that they have to struggle to even remember I was there.

Like, if I bring up something from somebody's past that I remember... I'm "strange and vindictive" rather than just having a good memory. Am I more sensitive than most people? My boyfriend would definitely argue that I'm not. I really don't carry grudges, if I bring up something you did in the past, it's not because it meant anything to me... it's like... knowing the words to all the songs in Grease... you don't know why you remember them, you just do. There isn't anything special about Grease, but you still sing along.

I guess I'm feeling rather put out lately. It seems like I'm always having to explain who I am to people. "I went to school with you." "We worked together." Etc.

I guess I'm feeling rather... immemorable tonight.


  1. Immemorable? are you kidding? no, I know you're not. You are one of the more memorable people I know :-) and pretty neat besides.

  2. It is impossible for you to be inmemorable to me. No matter how much time passes between conversations or visits, you are and alwasy will be my sister!
