Sunday, August 31, 2008

Children's Fairyland and the Continuing Adventures of PooButt

Yesterday I thought, "Hey. Let's drive up to Oakland and take the kids to Children's Fairyland." Children's Fairyland is what Walt based Disneyland on after taking his girls there in the very early '50's. It looks like it hasn't changed a whit since then, either.

Okay, so those of you who don't know, my 2-month old poops once a week. He's decided that this should be our Family Fun Day, since it obviously adds so much to the Fun, so... it's Saturdays for him and his colon to get together.

I was... sliiiiiightly prepared for this, should it happen again. Well, better prepared than last time, which isn't saying much.

We pull up to Children's Fairyland, pay for parking to a guy I suspect was a bum who found the parking attendant's vest in the trash, and drive quite far from Fairyland to park. We get out of the car and I go to lift Phineas out of his carseat, where he's sitting in a mustard pool of poo. And quite angry about it.

I do my panic dance and hand him off to Josh, who for all of his Eagle Scout training, always looks like he wishes he could do the panic dance as well. Let's see, did I forget the changing pad again? Check. Looks like Phin is getting laid out on Daddy's BlizzCon shirt on the front seat. I remembered a onesie that fit this time, and expressed my lament that he would not be wearing the adorable onesie I had picked out for the park. =( (It had a rhino and said "Here Comes Trouble")

It was all great and terrible, and Josh had recently cleaned the car out, so there were no trash bags in there for the poo and three thousand wipes we went through trying to clean up our youngest. I grabbed an old baggie of Cheerios and stuffed the diaper and wipes in there and set about cleaning out the cesspool that sat in the carseat.

All the while, families are pushing strollers of bright, clean, happy children past our stinkfest and looking on with disgust. Why does this always have to happen to us?

Well, we managed, with minimal damage, I'm just going to be a little more prepared for next Saturday. I know what's coming now. ::glare::

And, as usual, here are my pics of our Family Fun Day!

I can't even remember what he was crying about now.
Josh summing it all up.

Thank you, Mafia!

Again, with the crying.

Can you believe how much they look alike??

Refreshment break.

This was hilarious...

Daddy lost in the card maze.

I was sad Yorick didn't lose his shit like Damian when we took him into the little chapel.

Playing with the creepy garden dolls. I love these pics.

Just to prove we didn't leave Phin and his poopy butt in the car.

This didn't last, he popped out the paci and started screaming like a second later.

Momma and Yorick by the play ship.

Check out my adventuring boy...

He climbed up six feet!! What the hell??

Okay, boobs, thanks for lookin'.
Peace out.


  1. Sounds like it was a great day despite the pooh incident. This is why I always kept an "accident" kit in the car, containing diaper, small pkg of wipes, spare clothes (check sizes regularly) and a cheap change pad, and it was all kept in a ziploc bag that I could then use for the offending diaper.

    Of course it never fails that when you aren't prepared is when you need the extra supplies... lol.

    Great photos of your family day! :-D

  2. LOL I do not miss the poo days. Ce had major poo issues until he was 2.. but the opposite of poor lil phin :)) he just poo'd.. constantly LOL. Those are great pics!! I don't think I've ever seen pics of your hubby & Yorick before- -well I must have and just don't remember at this point LMAO. You have a darling family :)

