Sunday, August 24, 2008

We had a fun weekend (metric ton of pics)

First up, Josh got a promotion! Yay!!! (My foxy boy is so useful...) This means he got he the position he originally applied for! And that means he might get to telecommute and we can move back home!! Home home home!!!

So, as a present to himself, he bought an iPhone. He loves it. He can't put it down. It's quite hazardous, actually.

So, he wanted to try out the GPS on it, and insisted we take a road trip with the boys. We went to the Santa Cruz Boardwalk, because I've been bugging him that I wanted to see it. It's free admission with the added bonus of carny food. (Ridiculously overpriced carny food)

Here are some pics of our trip:

Pic with the iPhone

I took this one for Shosh:

Phin slept the whole time we were there.
He woke once to eat while we were having lunch, but then went right back down.

Yes, I partook in deepfried fat on a stick.
It was deelishus.

In case you thought I was kidding:

When we were done, Josh decided, "Hey, we haven't used our GPS nearly enough, we should go to Half Moon Bay. So we drove out to Half Moon Bay. On the way there, we saw this gorgeous lighthouse and hostel.

and yes, I am sad that we whipped past the Hostel sign to soon for me to get a pic of it. C'mon... Hostel, you guys know my horror fetish.

Okay, now is where you get to laugh. So about halfway to Half Moon Bay, Phin starts howling in his carseat. Well, Phin howls a lot. He's a high needs baby. So I sat there trying to put his pacifier back in his mouth. It wasn't working. He was really upset. So I told Josh he needed to pull over so we could check him. We pull over to the side of the road, and I get out, thinking I'll just nurse him a bit and we can get back on the road.

I reach down to pull him out... and he has crapped all up his side and out his diaper and it's... it's... EVERYWHERE!!! Poor little guy, he was completely traumatized by this sudden overabundance of shit. So, Josh, your hero and mine, set to cleaning him up. He was in poo up to his elbows. Serious business.

At one point, Josh actually said, "It's like he'll never be clean again!!" We had to take his onesie off via the neckhole, resulting in poo all over my little guys head, too. He was a mess. We had to toss the onesie, it was a casualty of war. The only other onesie I had in my bag was preemie sized, so Phin got a muscle shirt. (He's a little tub monster)

So I didn't take pictures of him getting his butt cleaned on the side of the road. You are spared that, but here's a pretty pic of me Josh took while I fed Phin:

We actually drove through San Francisco and then back to San Jose. I'd never been to San Francisco before, but it was getting dark, and we just drove around a bit so I could see it a little. It's very pretty, I wish it weren't so expensive.

That was yesterday. Today we went to Round Table for lunch and let Yorick go nuts in the kids area. It was really cute.

If anyone speaks Chinese, could you tell me what (sounds like)"Shey, shey" means? Two little Chinese kids were pointing at me and saying that today at Round Table. Like they were calling me that. I'm sure the word starts with an "x" but I haven't the foggiest how to spell it to look it up.

Here are some pics of the kid monster at Round Table, but they're all from the iPhone, so I can't vouch for the quality. (yeah, right, it's awesome, I hate Josh so much. I covet his iPhone)

And then Josh took Yorick swimming. Yorick had such a freakin' blast. Here are some pics of that.

So yeah, picture perfect weekend. I love my guys, they're the best.

I'll write more in a bit and promise to post more pics of Phin, I took some, they just don't go in our "our weekend rawked" post. =)


  1. Oh, yes! What a rockin' weekend. And I love traumatizing poo incidents. Aren't they great? Aren't you so thankful for big strong men who clean them all up and make them go away? AH! Love 'em. :)

  2. oh I miss those homey places

    thems my 'hood

  3. Thanks for the picture. I'll be sure to send you a scrapbook filled with pictures of my snakes.

  4. I haven't been to the boardwalk in ages, makes me wanna go.
