Tuesday, November 11, 2008

People Are Spazzes

So, I get this random email, some guy emailed me to tell me he liked my blog and that we should date.
What exactly was it that you liked about my blog, sir? The tons of pictures of my toddler and infant sons? Oh, I know, the many pictures of my gorgeous and, oh-god-so-much-better-than-you boyfriend?
If you think looking at random blogs to find a date is an awesome idea, then I have a brilliant bit of advice for you: READ THE FREAKING QUEST TEXT BLOG!!!!!


Okay, on to a bit of randomness...

My Sci-Fi Ramblings, Reviews, and News How I Read It:

Sarah Connor Chronicles
I really liked tonight's episode, that action with Cameron and John in bed was a little weirderrific, but okay, I can hang. I think this show is vastly underrated, I actually look forward to Mondays because of this. Personally, I think Lena and Thomas do a kick-ass job as mother and son, especially how Thomas has a lot of her personality quirks and mannerisms down pat, like only someone can when you live with that person for awhile.
As a Joss Whedon girl, it is blasphemous for me to say that Summer Glau just doesn't do it for me, but she doesn't. I do however find it humorous that future John creates a robot in the image of a hot teenage girl. Typical.
Josh thinks Ellison is a T-1000.

Villains (Heroes)
Hate to start off on a downer, but the powers that be over at NBC decided to dump Jeph Loeb as a producer on Heroes. I like Jeph Loeb, he was our fan point of reference for creative direction on the show, and our comic book liason, so I'm a little bent out of shape and put out about this. Very pouty.
Still hanging on to my newfound love of Sylar. And wtf, there's another person on the show that's related to Claire. (yawn) So now, for uncles she has Peter, Sylar, and redneck Flint. I like Meredith, but I loved her on that teaching show (Boston Public?) and I really loved her as the sex addict on Nip/Tuck. 
And no, still don't feel sorry for Angela "I pick favorites among my sons" Petrelli. 
Josh still loves HRG. And he noted that, like Lost, even if you die, you could still get a callback.

My Own Worst Enemy
I would go gay for Saffron Burrows. That is all.
Also, you guys do recognize Henry's wife from that ridiculous Stephen King film, Sleepwalkers, right?
Oh, and Taylor Lautner throwing in some MMA and proving that he does have a lot of Edward in him, totally tickled me. Speaking of Taylor Lautner...

There was a stampede at the mall in San Francisco today. A couple of girls got trampled. What could have inspired this heaving mass of bloodthirsty tweens, you ask? Edward Cullen. Yes, yes, a riot ensued over Robert Pattinson signing some autographs while on his Twilight tour at the local Hot Topic. Yes, you read that right, there he sat amidst gay emo tshirts, fuzzy backpacks, black lights, Living Dead Dolls, and striped thigh highs while girls not old enough to menstruate asked him to bite them.

Yay. I love my world.  

gotta go, hungry baby might eat the cat if I don't feed him. He is very angry.

1 comment:

  1. seriously?? asked him to bite them??? wow, hello reality check here! I too like Sarah Connor Chronicals...however I've only gotten to the first ep this season seeing as we don't have any cable. :-)
