Thursday, December 11, 2008


Long time no blog!! I know, I know, I suck.
The holidays have me really down. And not for the reasons you might think (or maybe they are the reasons you think)... I really like doing stuff for my friends during the holidays, baking, entertaining, etc and being so far away from home, this makes it nearly impossible. I just want to be settled so much, Josh has always felt like home to me from the moment he kissed me, but being so far from Orange County has made me really homesick. I'd really like to find a cute little house to fix up and call our own and money sucks right now.

I love giving stuff for the holidays and money is so tight right now that it's making it nearly impossible and this just... makes me depressed and a little crazy. Being a Sahm is rewarding in it's very special and unique way, but it wreaks havoc on our bank account. 

Hopefully I'll just keep learning about my gorgeous hobby and maybe, maybe maybe we'll make a little extra income from it in the near future. 

I've been sifting through some professional photography sites and it makes me cringe just thinking about posting my stuff, but I have to show off my beautiful boys somehow!! This is some shots from this morning that I took:

TFL!! We'll be down in SoCal on the 23rd or 24th and we'll likely stay until probably the 29th? I'll see you guys then!!

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