Monday, December 15, 2008

The Hero Within

The Dark Knight wins best movie all year, hands down, for me. I can't believe what an awesome performance Heath Ledger gave. It makes me sad in a way, since everyone is saying it was his undoing... he got a little too into character. /cry

On a positive note, I'm calling all my costumed geek friends. The first weekend of February, Josh and I will be down in Orange County for the kid monster's 2nd birthday. I am looking for models who want to show off their cosplay costumes and would like a few awesome shots of themselves in them. Josh and I are toying with the idea of taking professional photography to the costumed nerdy masses. You'd certainly feel silly going to a very good photographer and be like, "Hey, take a picture of me in my Hogwarts uniform." But then again, you've spent $XXX amount of dollars on your Hogwarts uniform and only have pics of yourself with con bags and badges or outside of a movie theater or inside a bookstore wearing it. (I have no personal experience whatsoever here. >.>) 

We're going to be gathering some interest at Comic Con this year to see how this would fly (this would be included with my regular kid and family business), so I need some models for some portfolio work. And just think... you'll be able to cherish your costume in a beautiful photo forever, no matter how many frappucinos you spill on it afterwards. Hit me up if you want to dust off that Starfleet Uniform, yo and we'll pencil you in for a session the first weekend of Feb.


  1. I'm in.
    And I would vote for Twilight as the best movie of the year. Seriously- Batman has nothing on Twilight. Nothing.

  2. okay this blog was a little old but uhh;
    the portfolio thingy;
    id DIE if i were yer model. i dont have the costumes or whatever but i have the face[:
    *hint* it would also make mom angry if i were to go with you. ahaha! *hint*
    let me know[:
