Saturday, April 12, 2008

Last Night's BSG... (spoilers)

So Josh and I have speculating for awhile on the repercussions of Raptor and Centurion cognizance and Viva La Revolucion! Anywho... I digress...

So it's totally obvious that Adama and Roslin are now doing it, I mean, why else would she turn into such a shrew so quickly? (And was it me, or did he seem totally embarrassed that she missed Starbuck while standing 3 feet in front of her?)

James Callis is the man. I think he has pretty much slept with everyone on the show except Mary and Grace. Everytime we see people having sex on this show and they haven't shown their faces, you have to assume one of them is Baltar. Which is incredible considering the source of his character:

I was going to assume that Helo was the new CAG until it seemed he was going to be joining Kara on the trip to Earth. Which... hello?! This is why Adama is 10x better than Roslin... her goal is to get to Earth, they might be going the wrong way and she doesn't want to risk the fleet if it's an ambush, so why the fuck didn't she think to send a ship on it's own? The man has to nail her and think of all the reasonable alternatives, too? No wonder she keeps getting cancer.

Speaking of Roslin... I, personally, think she's the final Cylon. Why, you ask? Because she's sharing dreams with two other cylons and a dingbat. (I love him deeply, but Gaius is a god damned nimrod who Gumps his way through life.)

And it looks like next week we're finally going to address the issue that Hera isn't the only half-cylon, half-human baby, but that Guilt-Generated baby Nikki Tyrel is as well. FINALLY! GEEZ.

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1 comment:

  1. We <3 the Bryn and Yorick. It was great seeing you guys the other weekend! Thank you for the ball popper, we haven't pulled it out yet, but we'll get there :-) We hope to come up again in June. Hugs!
    Sara and Grace
