Saturday, April 5, 2008

New Blog!

So welcome to my new blog, where I shall spout off about everything of interest to me, this may or may not include shows you have no interest in, comic books you'll never read, video games you'll never play, or diapers you would never ever have the hubris to change.

I don't update people on my life very often, being the preggo mommy of a precocious 1 year old in a new town, so I thought, "Hey, if people are that freakin' nosy and want to hear how I felt about last night's Battlestar Galactica and how much I saved at Walgreen's this week, who am I to keep them from peeking into the wonder that my life as a stay at home mom has become?"

The truth is, I love my life, I love my boys like you wouldn't believe, all three of them and I love sharing it with you guys. So, now I have a little corner of the intertron to tell-all.

So most of this will be things Josh and I have shared with each other, that you might find of interest (like right now he's informing me that Matt Fox is playing Racer X, which I'm vehemently denying, as I have my fangirl rights to do), things Yorick said or did, or pooed, and, of course, my couponing lifestyle, which all of you know, I try to push off onto all of my friends, because I like money, so I figure my friends do, too.

I'll try to keep it down to a post a day, but it'll be difficult, as I generally have loads to share, and may try to keep them separate. Especially when it comes to reviews.

Anyways, Yorick is stirring in my lap from the tapping of the keys and pissing and moaning about it now and batting my hands away from the keyboard... so apparently that means the end of this post. I am a virtual slave to his naps.

And here's me, a couple of weeks ago! I'm 23 weeks preggo now, but don't look too much different... so many of you guys want to see "Pregnant Bryn"... so here's Phineas and me, in the boys' room:

20 weeks

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