Serious business. I just cut off the top of my child's finger with his baby nailclippers. Which I have been telling everyone from day one, aren't a good idea for me to fiddle with.
After clawing my face this morning, I thought, "I guess his nails need a trim." Do not attempt this without a bright source of light. To my horror, he began bleeding, he didn't make much fuss about it, but one of my constant sources of anxiety had just come to fruition! I quickly popped his finger in my mouth and ran to the bathroom door where Josh was sitting on the throne. I yelled through the door, "JOSH! I JUST CUT HIS FINGER!!"
Of course, in typical Josh fashion, he replies, "Well, why'd you do that?" It will be the Zombie Apocalypse and he'll have some smart-assey response for me.
It bled and bled and he pulled off bandaids, and then gauze and tape, until Josh just had to whip out his Boy Scout First Aid Training:

I am the Worst Mother EVAR [sic].
LMAO! Talk about making a mountain out of molehill. That's the biggest bandaid EVAR! Hope you didn't freak out too much, but at least you know Josh can bandage anything.
ReplyDeleteAh..... you are not the worst mother ever. There are worse things. Josh was a boy scout. Now that's funny.