Yesterday we went just north of SF and visited Muir Woods. I don't think I've ever seen so many redwoods before, so it was really neat. As most of you know, I loathe being outdoors, so this was the perfect forest for me to visit... it had paved paths. hahhahaha
There wasn't any pooping incidents (thankfully), but Phin did have a complete meltdown. It's so nerve rattling when your child won't stop crying his head off. I ended up putting him in my moby wrap for awhile, then he slept in the stroller, and then he woke up too fussy again and Daddy ended up bjorning him for the walk back. We pretty much walked 3 or 4 miles... so I'm pretty sore today (I'm absolutely not used to any kind of physical activity, so it was good for me, but, ughhh)
Here are some pics of our trip:
Random cute chick I tried to catch

My first trip on the Golden Gate Bridge
and showin' off my photog skillz on this pic

Yorick being cute in the backseat

I couldn't believe how dark it was under the canopy

Yorick loved this branch so much

silly daddy

Yorick kept trying to tickle people's butts with the branch

As usual, thanks for lookin', boobs.